Conversion of Drivers License

Can you convert a military license to a civilian license after retirement or resignation from SANDF?

The matter of recognizing the military driver’s license is dealt with in the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 and the Regulations thereunder. As a consequence, The Road Traffic Management Corporation is not in a position to depart from the legislative or policy prescripts set by the Department of Transport.

Can I still convert an expired driver’s license contained in an identity document to a civilian license?
If you failed to convert a driver’s license contained in an identity document during the conversion period, then your license ceases to exist.

Moving Violations

What is the procedure to follow when I was caught on camera while speeding?

Motorists caught on camera while speeding are sent a notice of the alleged offense. They can choose either to pay that amount or wait until the summons has been hand-delivered to their home address by a sheriff of the court. Those who want to see the photo of their alleged violation can do so at the JMPD headquarters at no cost.

Motorists who wish to dispute the charges must inform the prosecutor of the traffic court in writing, well in advance of the trial date. Those who have missed the deadline for paying the contempt of court fine, but still wish to pay their fine on or before the date of their court appearance, can do so at Room B41 at the Johannesburg Magistrate's Court.

Motor Vehicle Registration

How do I register a used vehicle?

  • A duly completed application form (form MVR1A or RLV) 
  • Your RSA identity document (if you are a local resident) or an identity document issued by a foreign country (if you are a person not permanently residing in the Republic) or traffic register number certificate.
  • A certificate of incorporation or name change as issued in terms of the Companies Act if the vehicle is to be registered to a company.
  • A founding statement or a certificate of name change issued in terms of the Close Corporations Act if the vehicle is to be registered to a close corporation 
  • If the motor vehicle is registered in South Africa, the registration certificate concerned 
  • If the tare has changed due to any reason, a mass measuring certificate
  • If the vehicle has a new engine or if the VIN/chassis number has changed, a South African Police Service clearance of the motor vehicle
  • If required by the registering authority, proof of the right to be registered as title holder of the motor vehicle concerned. Such proof may be an invoice, a sales agreement, etc. It is advised that you phone your nearest call centre or registering authority to establish whether they accept or require any other document as proof

Please note the following:

  • In order to obtain a mass measuring certificate it is advised that you contact your local registering authority for the contact details of a facility that offers this service
  • A South African Police Service clearance will only be issued after your registering authority has issued you with a referral. After the referral has been issued the registration certificate of the vehicle has to be presented to the SAPS in order for the process to be initiated
  • The registering authority will perform an assessment on you application and you will pay the fees as prescribed by your province
  • A duly completed application form RLV. Note the declaration at the signature - do not make yourself liable to prosecution for providing false information
  • Acceptable identification of the title holder as well as of the owner (only one set if it is only one person)
  • A certificate issued by the manufacturer or importer of the motor vehicle on the official stationery of such manufacturer or importer OR the registration certificate
  • (Form RC1) issued to the manufacturer, builder or importer when they registered the vehicle into stock for the first time
  • The relevant fees as prescribed in the province of your appropriate registering authority (authority in whose area you reside)

How do I register a new vehicle?

 A duly completed application form RLV. Note the declaration at the signature - do not make yourself liable to prosecution for providing false information

    Acceptable identification of the title holder as well as of the owner (only one set if it is only one person)
    A certificate issued by the manufacturer or importer of the motor vehicle on the official stationery of such manufacturer or importer OR the registration certificate
    (Form RC1) issued to the manufacturer, builder or importer when they registered the vehicle into stock for the first time
    The relevant fees as prescribed in the province of your appropriate registering authority (authority in whose area you reside)
    How do I register a used vehicle?
        A duly completed application form (form MVR1A or RLV)
        Your RSA identity document (if you are a local resident) or an identity document issued by a foreign country (if you are a person not permanently residing in the Republic) or traffic register number certificate.
        A certificate of incorporation or name change as issued in terms of the Companies Act if the vehicle is to be registered to a company.
        A founding statement or a certificate of name change issued in terms of the Close Corporations Act if the vehicle is to be registered to a close corporation
        If the motor vehicle is registered in South Africa, the registration certificate concerned
        If the tare has changed due to any reason, a mass measuring certificate
        If the vehicle has a new engine or if the VIN/chassis number has changed, a South African Police Service clearance of the motor vehicle
        If required by the registering authority, proof of the right to be registered as title holder of the motor vehicle concerned. Such proof may be an invoice, a sales agreement, etc. It is advised that you phone your nearest call centre or registering authority to establish whether they accept or require any other document as proof

    Please note the following:
        In order to obtain a mass measuring certificate it is advised that you contact your local registering authority for the contact details of a facility that offers this service
        A South African Police Service clearance will only be issued after your registering authority has issued you with a referral. After the referral has been issued the registration certificate of the vehicle has to be presented to the SAPS in order for the process to be initiated
        The registering authority will perform an assessment on you application and you will pay the fees as prescribed by your province
        A duly completed application form RLV. Note the declaration at the signature - do not make yourself liable to prosecution for providing false information
        Acceptable identification of the title holder as well as of the owner (only one set if it is only one person)
        A certificate issued by the manufacturer or importer of the motor vehicle on the official stationery of such manufacturer or importer OR the registration certificate
        (Form RC1) issued to the manufacturer, builder or importer when they registered the vehicle into stock for the first time
        The relevant fees as prescribed in the province of your appropriate registering authority (authority in whose area you reside)
    How do I register a new vehicle?
        A duly completed application form RLV. Note the declaration at the signature - do not make yourself liable to prosecution for providing false information
        Acceptable identification of the title holder as well as of the owner (only one set if it is only one person)
        A certificate issued by the manufacturer or importer of the motor vehicle on the official stationery of such manufacturer or importer OR the registration certificate
        (Form RC1) issued to the manufacturer, builder or importer when they registered the vehicle into stock for the first time
        The relevant fees as prescribed in the province of your appropriate registering authority (authority in whose area you reside)

Renewal of Driving Licence Card

    Kindly note the following before reading this notice:

    Your South African drivers license card serves as valid proof that you have a South African drivers license. When you’re drivers license card expires, it does not mean that your drivers license has expired - only that the card serving as valid proof that you hold such a license has expired. When you renew your card you will not be expected to undergo a drivers license test.

    The process to follow should your drivers license card be lost or stolen is the same as for the renewal of a drivers license card that is about to expire/has expired.

    1. Renewal of drivers license card in the case of applicants within the borders of the Republic of South Africa:

    1.1 Applicants must submit the following at the appropriate drivers license testing centre (DLTC):
        A duly completed form DL1
        Identification (ID) document
        Certified copy of the ID document (for filing purposes)
        Four photographs (same format as that required for ID documents)
        The card issuing fee

    1.2 The new drivers license card should be available for collection at the DLTC at which the application was submitted within approximately six weeks. If the application for a new card is submitted within 2 months of expiry, the expiry date is extended for 3 months. If the card has already expired at the time of application, an application for a temporary drivers license should be made at the same time.
    1.3 If an applicant knows that he or she will be unable to receive the drivers license card in person at the driving license testing centre, the application must be accompanied by the following:
        A certified copy of the ID document of the person who will collect the card on the applicant’s behalf - An affidavit in which the applicant states why he or she will be unable to receive the card in person, and lists the name and ID number of the person who will receive the card on his or her behalf
        The person whose name and ID number appears on the affidavit must, when collecting the card on behalf of the applicant, present his or her ID document
        If an applicant is unable to receive the card in person due to unforeseen circumstances, the person who collects the card on behalf of the applicant must submit the following:
        His or her ID document and a certified copy thereof
        A certified copy of the ID document of the applicant
        An affidavit in which the applicant explains the nature
        of the unforeseen circumstances preventing him or her from receiving the card in person and lists the name and ID number of the person who will receive the card on his or her behalf

    2. Renewal of driving license card in the case of applicants who reside outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa:
        One needs to apply in person for renewal of a drivers license card as new fingerprints, photographs; a signature and an eye test are required
        Should the applicant know that he/she will not be in the country at the time of delivery, he/she may nominate a relative or other person to collect the card on his/her behalf. Such an applicant must follow the procedure explained in 1.3 above. In addition, the applicant must, when personally submitting the application, notify the relevant DLTC that he or she has nominated another person to collect the card upon delivery
        As in the previous instances, such applicants can apply for a temporary drivers license and submit this together with their application for a renewal

    3. Applicants outside the borders of the RSA whose drivers license cards have expired or were lost/stolen and who are not in a position to return to the RSA to have the license renewed:
        The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) is in a position to issue a confirmation letter should such an applicant have a valid license (this will be established on the NaTIS). The letter will serve as proof that the applicant does indeed hold a valid license and this will enable him/her to convert the license to a foreign driving license in the country in which he/she currently reside
        Please note that such a confirmation letter cannot be interpreted as a drivers license when presented to a law enforcement official
        Applicants requiring confirmation letters are requested to include their RSA ID number and postal address (to which the letter will be mailed) with their application


Can I get a refund on a motor vehicle license fee paid?

The procedure for a refund on a motor vehicle license fee is clearly stated in the Road Traffic Act, Regulation 37 click here that the owner of a motor vehicle which has been:

    Reported stolen as referred to in Regulation 54(1)(c) click here.
    Reported permanently unfit for use as a motor vehicle, or as permanently demolished as referred to in Regulation 55(1)(b) click here.
    Deregistered in terms of Regulation 17 click here.
    The owner may apply for a refund of an amount calculated at one-twelfth of the motor vehicle license fees paid in respect of such motor vehicle in terms of Regulation 25(2) for every month for which the motor vehicle license remains valid, on the day immediately preceding the day on which the owner becomes exempt from liability for licensing of the motor vehicle concerned in terms of Regulation 54(5) or 55(4) or is deregistered in terms of Regulation 17.
    The owner of the motor vehicle referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall, within a period not exceeding three months after the date of notification in terms of Regulation 54(1) or 55(1) or the date of deregistration, apply to the MEC of the province to which such owner has paid the motor vehicle license fees referred to in sub-regulation (1), for a refund of the motor vehicle license fees, on a form similar to form RLF or on form RLF.
    On receipt of the application referred to in sub-regulation (2), the MEC concerned may refund the owner of the motor vehicle referred to in sub-regulation (1), with the amount referred to in sub-regulation (1) but an amount of less than R100.00 shall not be refunded.

Impounded Vehicles

How can I get my vehicle back when impounded by the JMPD?

With reference to Johannesburg Metro Police:
Cars parked illegally around Johannesburg may be towed away and impounded by the JMPD. To have the car released, the owner must pay the impounding fee at the JMPD headquarters, located at the corner of Village Main Road & Loveday Street, Wemmer, Johannesburg, 2001. The department does not use clamps. JMPD Impound Department can be contacted on 011 490 1514/01.

Tracking of Fines

Can the Traffic Authorities track my fine when on holiday in another Province?

If you are fined while on holiday in Durban, it may take traffic authorities in Johannesburg a while to become aware of it. However, such information is stored on a common database called the National Traffic Information System.

Municipalities can feed their information on to the system and once a person has committed an offence, the car and its registration number are captured on the database and local authorities have access to the motorist's name and address. The summons can then be sent to the appropriate address.

This, however, may take some time.


International driving permit

An International Driving Permit (IDP) issued in any country other than South Africa (RSA), is valid to drive with in the RSA if:

    The IDP was issued on a date on which the holder thereof has not been permanently or ordinarily resident in the RSA. A person is permanently resident in the RSA if he/she is a RSA citizen, or disposes over an official document issued by the Department of Home affairs that grants the right to permanently reside in the RSA, and he/she resides in the RSA. Contract workers and visitors are not permanently resident in the RSA if they do not comply with the aforementioned conditions, regardless of the length of their stay in the RSA and therefore the IDP will be valid until expiry. A person is ordinarily resident in the RSA if he/she is in the RSA on an extended visit of more than three months on a contract of employment (not just visiting);
    The IDP is accompanied by the drivers license on the authority of which such permit was issued. The drivers license may have been issued at any time even if the person resided permanently in the RSA at the time the license was issued and may be in any foreign language and without a photograph and signature
    The IDP is valid (i.e. it has not expired yet)
    An IDP remains valid until the expiry date of the IDP OR until the drivers license on the authority of which such permit was issued is no longer valid OR until the holder thereof has been permanently resident for a continuous period of 1 year in the RSA, whichever is earlier

An International Driving Permit (IDP) issued in any country other than South Africa (RSA), is valid to drive with in the RSA if:

    The IDP was issued on a date on which the holder thereof has not been permanently or ordinarily resident in the RSA. A person is permanently resident in the RSA if he/she is a RSA citizen, or disposes over an official document issued by the Department of Home affairs that grants the right to permanently reside in the RSA, and he/she resides in the RSA. Contract workers and visitors are not permanently resident in the RSA if they do not comply with the aforementioned conditions, regardless of the length of their stay in the RSA and therefore the IDP will be valid until expiry. A person is ordinarily resident in the RSA if he/she is in the RSA on an extended visit of more than three months on a contract of employment (not just visiting);
    The IDP is accompanied by the drivers license on the authority of which such permit was issued. The drivers license may have been issued at any time even if the person resided permanently in the RSA at the time the license was issued and may be in any foreign language and without a photograph and signature
    The IDP is valid (i.e. it has not expired yet)
    An IDP remains valid until the expiry date of the IDP OR until the drivers license on the authority of which such permit was issued is no longer valid OR until the holder thereof has been permanently resident for a continuous period of 1 year in the RSA, whichever is earlier
    An IDP remains valid until the expiry date of the IDP OR until the drivers license on the authority of which such permit was issued is no longer valid OR until the holder thereof has been permanently resident for a continuous period of 1 year in the RSA, whichever is earlier

An International Driving Permit (IDP) issued in any country other than South Africa (RSA), is valid to drive within the RSA if:

    The IDP was issued on a date on which the holder thereof has not been permanently or ordinarily resident in the RSA. A person is permanently resident in the RSA if he/she is a RSA citizen, or disposes over an official document issued by the Department of Home affairs that grants the right to permanently reside in the RSA, and he/she resides in the RSA. Contract workers and visitors are not permanently resident in the RSA if they do not comply with the aforementioned conditions, regardless of the length of their stay in the RSA and therefore the IDP will be valid until expiry. A person is ordinarily resident in the RSA if he/she is in the RSA on an extended visit of more than three months on a contract of employment (not just visiting);
    The IDP is accompanied by the driving licence on the authority of which such permit was issued. The driving licence may have been issued at any time even if the person resided permanently in the RSA at the time the license was issued and may be in any foreign language and without a photograph and signature
    The IDP is valid (i.e. it has not expired yet)
    An IDP remains valid until the expiry date of the IDP OR until the driving license on the authority of which such permit was issued is no longer valid OR until the holder thereof has been permanently resident for a continuous period of 1 year in the RSA, whichever is earlier
    The holder of an IDP may drive a motor vehicle of the appropriate class for their own use. The person concerned may not drive a motor vehicle for which a professional driving permit is required


    What does the abbreviation RTMC mean?

    It stands for Road Traffic Management Corporation.

Learners Licence

Provisional Learners Licence

    The person concerned may not drive a motor vehicle carrying passengers and in respect of which a professional drivers permit is required
    The person concerned must be accompanied in or on that vehicle by, and be under the direct personal supervision of a person seated next to him or her, or immediately behind him or her, where such person cannot be seated next to him or her, and who is in possession of a license, other than a learners or similar license, authorising him or her to drive that class of motor vehicle. This is not applicable in the case where the provisional license relates to a motor vehicle having no seating accommodation for a passenger or to a motor cycle. In the case of a goods vehicle in respect of which a professional driving permit is required, the person supervising the learner driver must also hold a valid professional driving permit
    The person concerned may not drive a motor cycle while carrying another passenger

 How do I apply for a learners license?

    If you are older than 17, you can obtain a learners license for the following vehicles:
    A motor cycle with an engine capacity of 125 cc or more
    A car
    A minibus
    A small goods vehicle
    A larger vehicle
    If you are 16 years old, you can obtain a learners license for a motor cycle with an engine capacity of between 50 cc and 125 cc
    Once you have obtained a learners license, you may drive the type of vehicle for which the learners license is valid. However, you must be accompanied by a licensed driver, except in the case of a motor cycle because a learner driver may not transport another person on a motor cycle
    To apply for a learners license you need to complete form LL1 at a driving license testing centre. You must then submit this form together with the following: 1) your ID document, 2) two identical black and white or colour photographs of yourself, 3) the required fee
    The driving license testing centre will provide you with a date and time on which you will be allowed to complete the learners license test. The learners license test will verify your knowledge of the rules of the road, road traffic signs and the controls of a motor vehicle

Confirmation Letters

1.Applicants outside  the  borders  of South Africa who's  Driving  Licence Cards have expired, were lost or  stolen and who are not in a position to return to South Africa to have the licence  renewed:

The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), is in a position to issue a confirmation letter should such an applicant have a valid licence. This is established by verifying the applicant's South African identification number on the National Traffic Information System. The letter will serve as proof that the applicant has a valid licence and this will enable them to convert to a foreign driving licence in the country of current residence.

Please note:

•  That the confirmation letter cannot be interpreted as a driving licence when produced to a law enforcement official.


2. Process to follow:

2.1 Request the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) via email ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for a printout and Confirmation Letter of your driving licence. Your request must include your contact numbers (including email address), a copy of your ID, or a copy of your driving licence. Please remember to include the name of the country that you will be using the driving licence confirmation letter in.

2.2 The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) will upon request, investigate, print a copy of the licence required and a Letter of Confirmation of the licence.  This letter reflects the date that the licence was first issued.

2.3 Kindly note that  the person  collecting the letter  must provide  acceptable identification and may also arrange for a courier to collect.

3. Location and Contacts/ Confirmation letters are facilitated at:-

Address: Centurion Gate Business Park, Block A to D, 146 Akkerboom Street, Zwartkop 0157, Gauteng, South Africa

Telephone: +27 (11) 266 2000

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website:  www.rtmc.co.za

Foreign Driving Licences

Surrender of foreign license

Section 15 (1) (e) of the National Road Traffic Act, Act no 93 of 1996 stipulates:

“A person shall be disqualified from obtaining or holding a learners or drivers license if such license relates to a class of motor vehicle which he or she may already drive under a license held by him or her.”

For this reason a person will be expected to hand in their foreign drivers license and international permit when such license or permit is converted to a RSA license.

 Surrender of foreign license

A drivers license issued in any country other than South Africa (RSA), is valid to drive within the RSA if:

    The foreign drivers license was issued on a date on which the holder thereof has not been permanently or ordinarily resident in the RSA. A person is permanently resident in the RSA if he/she is a RSA citizen, or disposes over the right to permanently reside in the RSA based on an official document issued by the Department of Home Affairs, and he/she resides in the RSA. A person is ordinarily resident in the RSA if he/she is in the RSA on an extended visit of more than three months on a contract of employment (not just visiting). The permanent residence requirement does not apply to a holder of a diplomatic permit or a treaty permit
    The license is in English OR a translation of the license in English is attached to the license OR a certificate of authenticity or validity in English which was issued by a competent authority (e.g. the Embassy or Consulate) of the country concerned, is attached to the license. The legislation does not prescribe who should attach a translation or a certificate of authenticity or validity to a driving license, how it should be attached or when it should have been attached. The legislation also does not prescribe that the translation should state the capacity of vehicle the license authorises. The code of the license does not necessarily relate to a South African license code, and therefore should describe the capacity of vehicle the license authorise
    The license contains or has attached thereto the photograph and signature of the holder thereof. The legislation does not prescribe who should attach a photograph and signature to a drivers license, how it should be attached or when it should have been attached. The rule of thumb here should be that if a license does not have the holder’s photograph or signature contained on it, some other formal document like a passport that contain the person’s photograph or signature should accompany the license

A foreign drivers license remains valid until:

    In the case where the holder of such foreign license is an RSA citizen or a person that already have permanent residence, the person returns to the Republic to resume permanent residence and has been permanently resident for a continuous period of 1 year in the RSA
    In the case of another person, the person obtains permission in terms of any law for permanent residence in the Republic and has taken up permanent residence and has been permanently resident for a continuous period of 1 year in the RSA. The question is raised whether contract workers and visitors can be regarded as permanently resident in the RSA. If contract workers and visitors do not comply with the aforementioned conditions, regardless of the length of their stay in the RSA, they are not permanently resident in the RSA. The permanent residence requirement does not apply to a holder of a diplomatic permit or a treaty permit
    The holder of a foreign drivers license (excluding a provisional (or learners) license) issued in a prescribed territory (the Southern African Development Community member states, including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Tanzania) as referred to above may drive:
    A motor vehicle of the appropriate class for own use
    A motor vehicle for which a professional driving permit is required in the RSA if the foreign license allows the person concerned to drive such a motor vehicle without any other authorisation in his/her territory. Should a further authorisation be required to drive such a motor vehicle in his/her country then the person should also have such an authorisation with him/her when driving such a vehicle. Any document issued by a competent authority in any prescribed territory and serving in that territory a purpose similar to that of a professional driving permit shall, subject to the conditions thereof and to such conditions as may be prescribed, be deemed to be a professional driving permit for the purposes of the Act
    Professional driving permit is required for the driving of:
    A goods vehicle, the gross vehicle mass of which exceeds 3 500 kilograms
    A breakdown vehicle
    A bus
    A minibus
    The gross vehicle mass of which exceeds 3 500 kilograms
    Which is designed or adapted for the conveyance of 12 or more persons, including the driver
    A motor vehicle used for the conveyance of persons for reward or is operated in terms of a operating license issued in accordance with the NLTTA
    A motor vehicle used for the conveyance of dangerous goods
    A motor vehicle conveying 12 or more persons including the driver
    The holder of a foreign drivers license (excluding a provisional (or learners icense) issued in any other untry (excluding a prescribed trritory) as referred to ove may drive a motor vehicle of the appropriate class for own use. The person concerned may not drive a motor vehicle for which a professional driving permit

Driving Licences

Where can I go to if I have a complaint about my driver’s license test, as I am not satisfied with the answers of the testing centre and the Provincial Administration.

The matter must be referred to Mr J Mbele at (012) 309 3710 (office), (012) 309 3812 (fax), 083 680 7078 (cell) at the National Inspectorate for Driving License Testing Centres.

What is the procedure to follow when you are in prison and your driver’s license is to expire?

The National Road Traffic Act 1996 click here (Act No. 93 of 1996) stated that in the case of any person who was unable to apply for such a driving license, due to him or her having been admitted to any medical facility or detained in any state institution in terms of an order issued or sentence imposed by a court of law, the date determined in that notice shall upon proof, submitted by any such person of the date of his or her discharge from such facility or, release from such institution, be deemed to be a date six months after the date of such discharge, release or return. The above implies that you will be allowed to renew your driver’s license card upon your release if you can present proof of incarceration and release.

How do I apply for a drivers license?

Before applying for a drivers license, you must have a learners license. You must be over the age of 18 before you can apply for a drivers license for a motor vehicle and over the age of 16 to apply for a license to operate a motor cycle (with an engine capacity of up to 125 cc). When applying for a drivers license you are required to complete form DL1 and indicate which type of vehicle you would like to drive. This form must be submitted together with the following:

    Your ID document , any existing drivers licenses, four identical black and white photographs of yourself and the required fee
    Your fingerprints will be taken, and you will be required to undergo an eye test. After your application has been processed, the drivers license testing centre will provide you with a date and time for your driving test. On the day of the test you will be tested according to the K53 testing standard. You will be tested to ensure that you know and understand the road traffic signs, have a sound knowledge of the rules of the road and the different signals which a driver of a vehicle is required to give when driving on a public road and are generally capable of driving the type of vehicle specified on the application.
    If you pass the drivers license test, you will be issued with a temporary drivers license while your credit-card-format drivers license is produced. The drivers license testing centre will notify you via post when your license is ready for collection. You need to produce your ID document when you collect the license card. Licenses not collected within 120 days are destroyed