The Board







Ms Nomusa Mufamadi


Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCompt), Diploma in Industrial Relations, Certificate in HR and Change Management

Ms. Mufamadi is a seasoned finance & risk management professional, businessperson, and non-executive director of companies. She has a deep understanding of public and private sector governance.

She also serves as Non-Executive Director and Chairperson of the National Home Builders Registration Council.








Ms Lerato Magalo

Board Member

Post Graduate Diploma General Management; Post Graduate Diploma Business Admin; B-Tech Civil Engineering.

Lerato is a female Civil Engineering Technologist with over 17 years’ experience in built environment consulting, construction, programme and project management, strategy development and execution. She is a Certified Director (IoDSA), and is well-versed in corporate governance. She has served in various roles in the built environment space, for organisations including NHBRC, City of Tshwane, SABS and Agrément SA.

She is a founder and Managing Director of GreenPot Consulting, a sustainability consulting business, supporting businesses in understanding and communicating their economic performance with social responsibility and environmental care, as well as their impacts on issues such as climate change and human rights. She also serves on the Boards of AAMBAG and Eco-Girls SA.









Dr. Eddie Thebe

Board Member

Reappointed 1 November 2022

PhD (Communications management) - Pretoria University, Master’s Degree (Technology Public Relations Management) - Tshwane University of Technology, BA (Communication Honours) - North West University, BA (Communications) - North West University

Dr Eddie Mogalefi Thebe has been in road safety from 1988 to date which included the Road Traffic Law enforcement application in the country and neighbouring countries. He has conducted road safety research projects which included the evaluation of the national road safety strategies and has introduced the Social Marketing program in Road Safety to better the situation in road safety behavior, amongst others. He has received accolades for his contributions to Road Safety in South Africa. He is currently a Road Safety Awareness Consultant in the whole SADC region.







Ms Thandi Thankge

Board Member

Reappointed 1 November 2022

Mcom Degree in Business Management - University of Johannesburg, BA Honours (Industrial Psychology) - University of South Africa, BA (Industrial Psychology) - University of South Africa, N Dip( Library and Information Service) -ML Sultan Technikon

Ms Thandi Thankge is an HR Executive with over 17 years’ experience in the field; she is a seasoned HR practitioner having started as a generalist and subsequently becoming an Executive. She has headed HR for well-established international companies including, De Beers Consolidated Mines, Man Truck and Bus (SA) Ltd, Blue IQ Investment Holdings Pty (Ltd) and Times Media Ltd.









Prof Maredi Mphahlele

Board Member

Reappointed 1 November 2022

D.Tech Computer Science - Tshwane University of Pretoria, M.Sc Computer Science - University of the North, B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science - University of the North, B.Sc Computer Science and Mathematics - University of South Africa

Prof Mphahlele began his career as a teacher and moved up the ranks to become a Vice Principal, lecturer then a Chief Education Specialist. He has occupied various positions within the education profession including HOD, deputised as Acting Executive Dean and Acting Associate Dean. He has supervised 10 MTech students and co-supervised a doctoral student. His interest in Science began at an early age. Prof received a Science Olympiad prize in 1976. He is involved in more than 13 IT related publications and he has been involved in various community based projects. Currently, he is an Executive Dean for the Faculty of ICT at Tshwane University of Technology.







Prof Chitja Twala

Board Member

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); M. Admin.; M. Arts; BA Hons; BA; Secondary Teachers Diploma

Prof Chitja is a Vice Dean of the Faculty Humanities at the University of Free State. A historian by profession, he is an accomplished academic, scholar and associate professor in areas of African, cultural, and political history with extensive experience and highly respected nationally and internationally. Amongst his duties on the current role, he is responsible as a chair of the Faculty’s Research Committee, ex-officio member of the Faculty’s Finance Committee, managing the Faculty’s Risk Register, member of the Faculty’s Employment Equity and Transformation Committee, and a Senate member. His experience and expertise extend to having been the chair of the Free State Provincial Heritage Resources Authority (FSPHRA); deputy chair of the Free state War Museum; Council Member of the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA). In all these entities, he exhibited his oversight role on governance and compliance matters.





Mr Nkhumeleni Kudzingana

Board Member

National Diploma in Information Technology, Advanced Business Analysis Certificate, Certificate in Project Management Certified Director with the Institute of Directors Southern Africa (“IoDSA”)

Mr Nkhume Kudzingana is an ICT Executive with over 23 years’ experience in both Public and Private sector. He has a proven track record as a seasoned executive and business leader. He started as an IT Technician, Senior Manager, ICT Independent Consultant and subsequently becoming a business Executive. His expertise and competencies span the areas of ICT Innovation, Strategy, Governance, Business Process Analysis, finance amongst others.

He founded and co-founded a number of SME’s in the sector of ICT, Business Advisory, Hospitality and Farming amongst others.

He serves on the Board of Rhythm FM, a Provincial radio broadcaster located in the Eastern Cape.






Adv Xola Stemela

Board Member

B Juris; LLB, Admitted Attorney; Conveyancer; Advocate

Adv. Stemela, has a wide experience of the public sector regulatory framework. Before and currently, he is undertaking in his professional capacity as an advocate several review applications either for or against the public sector. He as a former attorney at Stemela Lubbe Attorneys.

He was employed by the Shareholder unit: City of Johannesburg as the legal advisor in which capacity he was responsible for the governance of various municipal entities. He is currently a member of the Johannesburg Bar [Thulamela Chambers].

He is a trustee of the Living Hands Trust.




Adv. Makhosini Msibi

Chief Executive Officer




Ms Sigidikazi Petse

Company Secretary